Polyporus tuberaster Tuberous Polypore

Polyporus tuberaster                      Tuberous Polypore    


Small to medium size yellow-cream to light cinnamon annual polypore. Found especially on beech, hazel and in this case an oak twig. Occurs in small numbers either tufted or trooping and also singly. Cap is + circular unless on a vertical substrate when it can be fan-shaped. Up to 100mm across, convex to shallowly



depressed above the point of attachment to the stem, decorated with barely visible concentric scales, the margin is sharp, smooth with fine fibrous protrusions. The stem is central, or significantly off centre, stout and short and covered in bristly hairs.

Flesh is white, tough and elastic.

Pores tapper down the upper stem, are cream to ochraceous, variable, being angular, longitudinal, polygonal and toothed. Circumferential spacing of pores approximates to 1-2/mm.



The spore print is white. The spores are translusent, do not react in the pressence of iodine, are cylindrical-elongated ellipsiod and smooth, with droplets.


Recorded on Bramshill Plantation.